
Cataloghi interrogati: Catalogo delle Biblioteche Liguri
Ricerca: Nomi = Plato >> Tipo di materiale = testo a stampa >> Paese = gran bretagna >> Luogo di pubblicazione = cambridge, mass.

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Livello bibliografico Monografia
Tipo di materiale Testo a stampa
Autore principale Plato
Titolo Plato
Editore,distributore, ecc. Cambridge, Mass. : Harvard university press ; London : W. Heinemann Ltd
Descrizione fisica 12 v. ; 17 cm
Collezione The Loeb classical library
Lingua di pubblicazione INGLESE - GRECO ANTICO (FINO AL 1453)
Paese di pubblicazione GRAN BRETAGNA
Note Testo orig. a fronte.
Comprende 11: Laws / [Plato] ; by R. G. Bury.
8: Charmides ; Alcibiades 1. and 2. ; Hipparchus ; The lovers ; Theages ; Minos ; Epinomis / Plato ; by W. R. M. Lamb
7: Timaeus ; Critias ; Cleitophon ; Menexenus ; Epistles / Plato ; by R. G. Bury
1: Euthyphro ; Apology ; Crito ; Phaedo ; Phaedrus / [Plato] ; by Harold North Fowler and an introduction by W. R. M. Lamb
9: Timaeus ; Critias ; Cleitophon ; Menexenus ; Epistles / Plato ; with an English translation by R. G. Bury
9: Timaeus ; Critias ; Cleitophon ; Menexenus ; Epistles / <Plato> ; with an English translation by R. G. Bury
10: Laws. 1., Books 1.-6. / Plato ; with an english translation by R. G. Bury
11: Laws. 2., Books 7.-12. / Plato ; with an english translation by R. G. Bury
3: The Statesman ; Philebus ; Ion / [Plato] ; with an English translation by Harold N. Fowler [and] by W. R. M. Lamb
2: Laches ; Protagoras ; Meno ; Euthydemus / °Plato! ; with an English translation by W. R. M. Lamb
4: Cratylus ; Parmenides ; Greater Hippias ; Lesser Hippias / °Plato] ; with an English translation by H. N. Fowler
7: Theaetetus ; Sophist / [Plato] ; with an English translation by H. N. Fowler. London : W. Heinemann ; Cambridge (Mass.) : Harvard university press, 1961
3: Lysis ; Symposium ; Gorgias / with an english translation by W. R. M. Lamb
7: Theaetetus ; Sophist / [Plato] ; with an english translation by Harold North Fowler
12: Charmides ; Alcibiades 1. and 2. ; Hipparchus ; The lovers ; Theages ; Minos ; Epinomis / [Plato] ; with an engkish translation by W. R. M. Lamb
5: The Republic : volume 1, books 1-5 / [Plato] ; with an english translation by Paul Shorey
6: The Republic, volume 2, books 6.-10. / Plato ; with an english translation by Paul Shorey
5: Lysis ; Simposium ; Gorgia / [Plato] ; with an English translation by W. R. M. Lamb
8: The Statesmam ; Philebus ; Ion / Plato ; with an english translation by Harold N. Fowler, \and only for Ion! by W.R.M. Lamb
4: Cratylus ; Parmenides ; Greater Hippias ; Lesser Hippias / Plato ; with an english translation by H.N. Fowler
Nomi [Autore] Plato
Forme varianti dei nomi Platone <ca. 428-347 a.C.> -> Plato
Platōn -> Plato
Platonas -> Plato
Platone -> Plato
Identificativo record VIA0004133
Dove lo trovi
BibliotecaCollocazioneInventarioNote all'inventario
Biblioteca universitaria di GenovaCONT I. 195bis 52
Biblioteca Internazionale Città di RapalloCHUTE 547
Biblioteca del Liceo G. Chiabrera <Savona>B II - H-056