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Livello bibliografico Monografia
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Titolo The political thought of African independence : an anthology of sources / edited by Gregory R. Smulewicz-Zucker ; with the assistance of Chelsea Schields
Editore,distributore, ecc. Indianapolis : Hackett, 2017
Descrizione fisica XVII, 280 p. ; 22 cm.
Lingua di pubblicazione INGLESE
Paese di pubblicazione STATI UNITI
ISBN 9781624665400
Comprende Letter to the Secretaries of the Church Missionary Society, 1841 / Samuel Crowther | Crowther, Samuel Ajayi <vescovo anglicano> LIGV065721
Advice to the rising generation in West Africa, 1868 / James Africanus Horton | Horton, James Africanus Beale CAGV027096
The Fanti confederation constitution, 1871
The origin and purpose of colonization, 1881 / Edward Blyden | Blyden, Edward Wilmot CAGV025957
To the Nations of the World / W. E. B. Du Bois | Du Bois, W. E. B. IEIV069915
The West African problem, 1911 / Mojola Agbebi | Agbebi, Mojola <pastore battista> LIGV065722
Race emancipation : particular considerations : African nationality, 1911 / J. E. Casely Hayford | Hayford, J. E. Casely CAGV027052
Explanation of the objectives of the Universal Negro Improvement Association, 1921 / Marcus Garvey | Garvey, Marcus MILV086978
Resolutions, 1945 / The Fifth Pan-African Congress | Pan-African congress <5. ; 1945 ; Manchester> USMV908146
Speech at the Kenya African Union meeting at Nyeri, 1952 / Jomo Kenyatta | Kenyatta, Jomo CFIV108094
Communism and Black nationalism, 1955 / George Padmore | Padmore, George IEIV029063
French Africa and French Union, 1957 / Félix Houphouët-Boigny | Houphouët-Boigny, Félix SBLV241035
The Franco-African Community, 1958 / Charles de Gaulle | Gaulle, Charles : de <1890-1970> RAVV031314
Resolution on imperialism and colonialism, 1958 / The All-African People's Conference | All-African peoples conference IEIV084432
" Travel for TANU", 1958 / Bibi Titi Mohammed | Titi, Mohammed Bibi <politica> LIGV065723
The political leader considered as the representative of a culture, 1959 / Sekou Touré | Touré, Ahmed Sékou IEIV063435
The philosophy of the revolution, 1959 / Gamal Abdel Nasser | Nasser <1918-1970> TO0V154371
Wind of change, 1960 / Harold Macmillan | Macmillan, Harold CFIV069768
Response to Harold Macmillan's "Wind of change" speech, 1960 / Hendrik Verwoerd | Verwoerd, Hendrik Frensch MODV255887
Speech at the proclamation of the Congo's independence, 1960 / Patrice Lumumba | Lumumba, Patrice RAVV085381
Declaration on granting independence to colonial countries and peoples, 1960 / The United Nations General Assembly | Nazioni Unite : Assemblea generale MILV001662
The challenge of nationalism, 1962 / K. A. Busia | Busia, Kofi Abrefa CAGV025903
The Mau Mau oath, 1952 / Karari Njama | Njama, Karari TO0V389954
The road to freedom is via the cross, 1952 / Albert Luthuli | Luthuli, Albert MILV118807
Proclamation of the FLN, 1954 / The Algerian National Liberation Front | Front de libération national algérienne TO0V105747
The women's charter, 1954 / The Federation of South African Women | Federation of South African Women LIGV065724
The freedom charter, 1955 / The South African Congress of the People | South African Congress of the People LIGV065725
Major program of the Movimento Popular de Libertação de Angola (MPLA), 1956 / The People's Movement for the Liberation of Angola | Movimento popular de libertaçäo de Angola IEIV022304
White supremacy and African nationalism, 1959 / Ndabaningi Sithole | Sithole, Ndabaningi LO1V140696
The struggle for independence in Mozambique, 1963 / Eduardo Mondlane | Mondlane, Eduardo <politico> LIGV025992
I am prepared to die, 1964 / Nelson Mandela | Mandela, Nelson CFIV018882
Announcement of unilateral declaration of independence, 1965 / Ian Smith | Smith, Ian Douglas <politico> LIGV065726
The position of the British Government on the unilateral declaration of independence by Rhodesia, 1965 / Prime Minister Harold Wilson | Wilson, Harold CFIV075440
The weapon of theory, 1966 / Amilcar Cabral | Cabral, Amílcar <1924-1973> SBLV086564
Freedom for Namibia, 1968 / Andimba Toivo ya Toivo | Toivo ya Toivo, Andimba <politico> LIGV065727
The Ahiara declaration, 1969 / Chukwuemeka Odummegwu Ojukwu | Ojukwu, C. Odumegwu MILV163506
I speak of freedom, 1961 / Kwame Nkrumah | Nkrumah, Kwame SBLV112887
Tensions of African development, 1961 / Tom Mboya | Mboya, Tom IEIV037020
Decision to co-operate with Uganda, 1961 / Kabaka Mutesa II | Mutesa <re di Buganda ; 2.> MILV310726
Regional government, 1962 / Sir Ahmadu Bello | Bello, Ahmadu MILV311968
Ujamaa : the basis of African socialism, 1962 / Julius Nyerere | Nyerere, Julius Kambaraje SBLV301399
Speech at the Organization of African Unity, Addis Ababa, 1963 / Sir Abubakar Tafawa Balewa | Balewa, Abubakar Tafawa MILV311167
Founding Charter, 1963 / Organization of African Unity | Organisation de l'unite africaine MILV018274
Responsabilities demand balanced, sober reflection : a call to African leaders, 1963 / Haile Selassie I | Hailé Selassié I LIGV065729
Tribalism : a pragmatic instrument for national unity, 1964 / Nnamdi Azikiwe | Azikiwe, Nnamdi URBV075258
A one-party system, 1964 / Jomo Kenyatta | Kenyatta, Jomo CFIV108094
African socialist humanism, 1964 / Léopold Sédar Senghor | Senghor, Léopold Sédar CFIV059620
Consciencism, 1964 / Kwame Nkrumah | Nkrumah, Kwame SBLV112887
Letter from prison to Kwame Nkrumah, 1964 / J. B. Danquah | Danquah, Joseph Boakye CAGV027045
Origins of the cabinet crisis, 1964 / Vera Chirwa | Chirwa, Vera <avvocata> LIGV021573
Appeals to the Organization of African Unity and the United Nations, 1965 / Kanyama Chiume and Ex-Malawian Ministers | Chiume, Kanyama IEIV145988
Thoughts on Nigerian Constitution, 1966 / Obafemi Awolowo | Awolowo, Obafemi SBLV289125
African development and foreign aid, 1966 / Kenneth Kaunda | Kaunda, Kenneth David <1924-2021> MILV094823
The Arusha declaration : on the policy of self-reliance in Tanzania, 1967 / The Tanganyka African National Union | Tanganyka African National Union LO1V376863
Titolo uniforme The political thought of African independence
Soggetti Africa - Storia - Colonialismo - Indipendenza politica
Nomi [205] Schields, Chelsea <storica>
[Curatore] Smulewicz-Zucker, Gregory R. <1983->
Identificativo record LIG0332071
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Biblioteca Borghero <Genova>B C.07791 0000033831 vol.