Catalogo delle Biblioteche Liguri Ricerca: BID = VIA0028148 Scheda: 1/1 Livello bibliografico: Monografia Tipo di materiale: Testo a stampa Autore principale: Cicero, Marcus Tullius Titolo: Cicero : in twenty eight volumes Editore,distributore, ecc.: Cambridge (Mass.) : Harvard university press ; London : W. Heinemann Descrizione fisica: v. ; 17 cm Lingua di pubblicazione: INGLESE - LATINO Paese di pubblicazione: STATI UNITI Note: Testo originale a fronte. Comprende: 9: The speeches : Pro lege Manilia ; Pro Caecina ; Pro Cluentio ; Pro Rabirio perduellionis / Cicero ; with an english translation by H. Grose Hodge 16: De re publica ; De legibus / Cicero ; with an English translation by Clinton Walker Keyes Tusculan disputations / Cicero ; with an english traslation by J. E. King 10: The speeches : In Catilinam 1.-4. ; Pro Murena ; Pro Sulla ; Pro Flacco / with an english translation by Louis E. Lord 6: The speeches : Pro Publio Quinctio ; Pro Sexto Roscio Amerino ; Pro Quinto Roscio comoedo ; De lege agraria 1. 2. 3. / Cicero ; with an english translation by John Henry Freese [25-27]: Letters to friends / Cicero ; edited and translated by D. R. Shackleton Bailey 28: Letters to Quintus and Brutus ; Letter fragments ; Letter to Octavian ; Invectives ; Handbook of electioneering / Cicero ; edited and translated by D. R. Shackleton Bailey 13: The speeches : Pro Caelio ; De provinciis consularibus ; Pro Balbo / Cicero ; with an English translation by R. Gardner 12: The speeches : Pro Sestio and In Vatinium / Cicero ; with an English translation by R. Gardner 14: The speeches : Pro T. Annio Milone ; In L. Calpurnium Pisonem ; Pro M. Aemilio Scauro ; P ro M. Fonteio ; Pro C. Rabirio Postumo ; Pro M. Marcello ; Pro Q. Ligario ; Pro rege Deiotaro / with an English translation by N. H. Watts The gallic war / Caesar ; with an english translation by H. J. Edwards 11: The speeches : Pro Archia poeta ; Post reditum in senatu ; Post reditum ad Quirites ; De domo sua ; De haruspicum responsis ; Pro Plancio / by N. H. Watts 28: The letters to his brother Quintus ; The letters to Brutus ; Handbook of electioneering ; Letter to Octavian / Cicero ; translated by W. Glynn Williams [per Quintus] ; translated by M. Cary [per Brutus]; translated by Mary Henderson [per Handbook of electioneering e Octavian] [22-29] Letters to Atticus / Cicero ; edited and translated by D. R. Shackleton Bailey 1: Ad C. Herennium De ratione dicendi : (Rhetorica ad Herennium) / [Cicero] ; with an English translation by Harry Caplan 7: The Verrine orations (in two volumes), 1 : Against Caecilius ; Against Verres: part one; part two, books 1. and 2. / Cicero ; with an English translation by L. H. G. Greenwood 8: The Verrine orations (in two volumes), 2 : Against Verres: part two, books 3., 4. and 5. / with an English translation by L. H. G. Greenwood Altri titoli: Cicero in twenty eight volumes. UMC0869075 Classificazione Dewey: 878.0108 - MISCELLANEA LATINA IN PROSA, DAL PERIODO ROMANO AL 500 Nomi: [Autore] Cicero, Marcus Tullius Forme varianti dei nomi: Cicerone , Marco Tullio Cicerone Cicéron Cicerone , M. Tullio Cyceron Identificativo record: VIA0028148 Localizzazioni/ collocazioni/ consistenza: