
Cataloghi interrogati: Catalogo delle Biblioteche Liguri
Ricerca: Soggetti = Sociologia >> Anno di pubblicazione = 1977 >> Livello bibliografico = monografia

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Livello bibliografico Monografia
Tipo di materiale Testo a stampa
Titolo African social studies : a radical reader / edited by Peter C.W. Gutkind and Peter Waterman
Editore,distributore, ecc. London : Heinemann, 1977
Descrizione fisica IX, 481 p. ; 22 cm.
Lingua di pubblicazione INGLESE
Paese di pubblicazione GRAN BRETAGNA
ISBN 0435890425, (cased)
0435890433, (paper)
Comprende On radicalism in African studies / Peter Waterman | Waterman, Peter <1936- > IEIV049627
African studies : a periodization / Jean Copans | Copans, Jean MILV111285
Revolutionary imperatives in African sociology / O. Onoge | Onoge, Omafume F. LIGV038268
The concept of pluralism : a critique / Martin Legassick | Legassick, Martin UFIV148730
Problems in analysing colonial change / E. A. Brett | Brett, E. A. CAGV513427
Sociology and economic history : an essay on mediation / Anouar Abdel-Malek | Abdel-Malek, Anouar RAVV011972
Research on an African mode of production / Catherine Coquery-Vidrovitch | Coquery Vidrovitch, Catherine CFIV103946
Polity and the means of production / Jack Goody | Goody, Jack CFIV007624
Technological stagnation and economic distortion in pre-colonial times / Walter Rodney | Rodney, Walter MILV133113
The rise of a proto-bourgeoisie in Yorubaland / Philip Ehrensaft | Ehrensaft, Philip PUVV337294
The economic balance sheet of French colonialism in West Africa / Jean Suret-Canale | Suret-Canale, Jean MILV009402
Nationalism, socialism, and Tanzanian history / John Saul | Saul, John S. TO0V157031
The dynamic and limitations of agrarian capitalism in Black Africa / Samir Amin | Amin, Samir CFIV007725
The Co-operative movement in the Cameroons / David Kom | Kom, David IEIV006301
Agricultural stagnation in Uganda / Ann Seidman | Seidman, Ann TO0V094464
Foreign investment patterns / Giovanni Arrighi | Arrighi, Giovanni <1937-2009> CFIV079420
On the drain of capital from African countries / Leongard V. Goncharov | Goncharov, Leongard Vasil'evič LIGV038331
Income distribution and the 'privileged' worker / Amir Amin | Amin, Samir CFIV007725
Incomes policy and union power / Christopher Allen | Allen, Christopher <1942- > RMSV034821
The mixed sector and imperialist control in Tanzania / Issa G. Shivji | Shivji, Issa G. MILV062738
Preconditions of socialist development in Africa / Glyn Hughes | Hughes, Glyn LIGV038332
Brief analysis of the social structure of Guinea-Bissau / Amilcar Cabral | Cabral, Amílcar <1924-1973> SBLV086564
The rise and decline of the Kenya peasant, 1888-1922 / E.S. Atieno-Odhiambo | Atieno Odhiambo, Elisha Stephen <storico> LIGV026831
Peasantization in Western Africa / Ken Post | Post, Kenneth W. J. SBLV194090
Social organization of the unemployed in Lagos and Nairobi / Peter Gutkind | Gutkind, Peter C. W. UFIV137765
Workers in Mali / Majhemout Diop | Diop, Majhemout SBLV069832
Is there an African national bourgeoisie? / Jack Woddis | Woddis, Jack MILV155245
Class and status in contemporary Africa / Immanuel Wallerstein | Wallerstein, Immanuel CFIV015510
Class relations in a neo-colony : the case of Nigeria / Gavin Williams | Williams, Gavin MILV006427
A science of social control / Basil Davidson | Davidson, Basil RAVV008813
Mahdism, Messianism and Marxism in the African setting / Thomas Hodgkin | Hodgkin, Thomas RAVV032740
Sékou Touré : the man and his ideas / R. W. Johnson | Johnson, Richard William MILV167269
The rationality of the rich in Nigeria / Otonti Nduka | Nduka, Otonti LIGV038333
Political implications of the development of peasant society in Kenya / Colin Leys | Leys, Colin SBLV034520
Workers' control : the Algerian experience / Ian Clegg | Clegg, Ian UBOV582224
The Nigerian power elite, 1952-65 / Segun Osoba | Osoba, Olusegun <politico> LIGV038334
The social roots and political nature of military régimes / Roger Murray | Murray, Roger UBOV597636
The political strategy of guerrilla warfare / Gerard Chaliand | Chaliand, Gérard CFIV094589
Tactical problems of the socialist option in Mali / Majhemout Diop | Diop, Majhemout SBLV069832
Neo-colonialism, State capitalism, or revolution? / Archie Mafeje | Mafeje, Archie CFIV151945
Soggetti Africa - Antropologia culturale - Sociologia
Nomi Waterman, Peter <1936- >
Gutkind, Peter C. W.
Forme varianti dei nomi Waterman , P. -> Waterman, Peter <1936- >
Gutkind , Peter Claus Wolfgang -> Gutkind, Peter C. W.
Gutkind , Peter Claudius Wolfgang -> Gutkind, Peter C. W.
Identificativo record BVE0187195
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