Risultati sintetici Catalogo delle Biblioteche Liguri Ricerca: Titolo uniforme = cost of living. >> Livello bibliografico = spoglio >> Anno di pubblicazione = 1769 >> Lingua = inglese Risultati: 1-55 di (55) 1. Händel, Georg Friedrich [My strength is from the living God] / Handel Handel's songs selected from his oratorios for the harpsichord, voice, hoboy or german flute ... Fa parte di: Handel's songs selected from his oratorios for the harpsichord, voice, hoboy or german flute ... Spoglio - Musica a stampa [LIG0467502] 2. Händel, Georg Friedrich [Bane of virtue, nurse of passions] / Handel Handel's songs selected from his oratorios for the harpsichord, voice, hoboy or german flute ... Fa parte di: Handel's songs selected from his oratorios for the harpsichord, voice, hoboy or german flute ... Spoglio - Musica a stampa [LIG0406778] 3. Händel, Georg Friedrich [False destructive ways of pleasure] / Handel Handel's songs selected from his oratorios for the harpsichord, voice, hoboy or german flute ... Fa parte di: Handel's songs selected from his oratorios for the harpsichord, voice, hoboy or german flute ... Spoglio - Musica a stampa [LIG0455351] 4. Händel, Georg Friedrich [Ever flowing tides of pleasure] / Handel Handel's songs selected from his oratorios for the harpsichord, voice, hoboy or german flute ... Fa parte di: Handel's songs selected from his oratorios for the harpsichord, voice, hoboy or german flute ... Spoglio - Musica a stampa [LIG0413917] 5. Händel, Georg Friedrich [Joys of freedom] / Handel Handel's songs selected from his oratorios for the harpsichord, voice, hoboy or german flute ... Fa parte di: Handel's songs selected from his oratorios for the harpsichord, voice, hoboy or german flute ... Spoglio - Musica a stampa [LIG0427804] 6. Händel, Georg Friedrich [Scenes of horror] / Handel Handel's songs selected from his oratorios for the harpsichord, voice, hoboy or german flute ... Fa parte di: Handel's songs selected from his oratorios for the harpsichord, voice, hoboy or german flute ... Spoglio - Musica a stampa [LIG0427793] 7. Händel, Georg Friedrich [Daughter of gods] / Handel Handel's songs selected from his oratorios for the harpsichord, voice, hoboy or german flute ... Fa parte di: Handel's songs selected from his oratorios for the harpsichord, voice, hoboy or german flute ... Spoglio - Musica a stampa [LIG0392352] 8. Händel, Georg Friedrich [Return o God of hosts] / Handel Handel's songs selected from his oratorios for the harpsichord, voice, hoboy or german flute ... Fa parte di: Handel's songs selected from his oratorios for the harpsichord, voice, hoboy or german flute ... Spoglio - Musica a stampa [LIG0391877] 9. Händel, Georg Friedrich [Ye men of Gaza] / Handel Handel's songs selected from his oratorios for the harpsichord, voice, hoboy or german flute ... Fa parte di: Handel's songs selected from his oratorios for the harpsichord, voice, hoboy or german flute ... Spoglio - Musica a stampa [LIG0406959] 10. Händel, Georg Friedrich [God of our fathers] / Handel Handel's songs selected from his oratorios for the harpsichord, voice, hoboy or german flute ... Fa parte di: Handel's songs selected from his oratorios for the harpsichord, voice, hoboy or german flute ... Spoglio - Musica a stampa [LIG0455359] 11. Händel, Georg Friedrich [Deeds of kindness to display] / Handel Handel's songs selected from his oratorios for the harpsichord, voice, hoboy or german flute ... Fa parte di: Handel's songs selected from his oratorios for the harpsichord, voice, hoboy or german flute ... Spoglio - Musica a stampa [LIG0406789] 12. Händel, Georg Friedrich [Come blooming boy] / Handel Handel's songs selected from his oratorios for the harpsichord, voice, hoboy or german flute ... Fa parte di: Handel's songs selected from his oratorios for the harpsichord, voice, hoboy or german flute ... Spoglio - Musica a stampa [LIG0413794] 13. Händel, Georg Friedrich [O scene of unexampled woe] / Handel Handel's songs selected from his oratorios for the harpsichord, voice, hoboy or german flute ... Fa parte di: Handel's songs selected from his oratorios for the harpsichord, voice, hoboy or german flute ... Spoglio - Musica a stampa [LIG0427806] 14. Händel, Georg Friedrich [Streams of pleasure ever flowing] / Handel Handel's songs selected from his oratorios for the harpsichord, voice, hoboy or german flute ... Fa parte di: Handel's songs selected from his oratorios for the harpsichord, voice, hoboy or german flute ... Spoglio - Musica a stampa [LIG0413964] 15. Händel, Georg Friedrich [The holy one of Israel] / Handel Handel's songs selected from his oratorios for the harpsichord, voice, hoboy or german flute ... Fa parte di: Handel's songs selected from his oratorios for the harpsichord, voice, hoboy or german flute ... Spoglio - Musica a stampa [LIG0391885] 16. Händel, Georg Friedrich [Ye sons of Israel now] / Handel Handel's songs selected from his oratorios for the harpsichord, voice, hoboy or german flute ... Fa parte di: Handel's songs selected from his oratorios for the harpsichord, voice, hoboy or german flute ... Spoglio - Musica a stampa [LIG0391818] 17. Händel, Georg Friedrich [The smiling dawn of happy days] / Handel Handel's songs selected from his oratorios for the harpsichord, voice, hoboy or german flute ... Fa parte di: Handel's songs selected from his oratorios for the harpsichord, voice, hoboy or german flute ... Spoglio - Musica a stampa [LIG0406491] 18. Händel, Georg Friedrich [Rejoyce, rejoyce rejoyce greatly] / Handel Handel's songs selected from his oratorios for the harpsichord, voice, hoboy or german flute ... Fa parte di: Handel's songs selected from his oratorios for the harpsichord, voice, hoboy or german flute ... Spoglio - Musica a stampa [LIG0392527] 19. Händel, Georg Friedrich [O mirror of our fickle state] / Handel Handel's songs selected from his oratorios for the harpsichord, voice, hoboy or german flute ... Fa parte di: Handel's songs selected from his oratorios for the harpsichord, voice, hoboy or german flute ... Spoglio - Musica a stampa [LIG0427818] 20. Händel, Georg Friedrich [Happy beauty] / Handel Handel's songs selected from his oratorios for the harpsichord, voice, hoboy or german flute ... Fa parte di: Handel's songs selected from his oratorios for the harpsichord, voice, hoboy or german flute ... Spoglio - Musica a stampa [LIG0455340] 21. Händel, Georg Friedrich [Great author of this harmony] / Handel Handel's songs selected from his oratorios for the harpsichord, voice, hoboy or german flute ... Fa parte di: Handel's songs selected from his oratorios for the harpsichord, voice, hoboy or german flute ... Spoglio - Musica a stampa [LIG0467867] 22. Händel, Georg Friedrich [Strange reverse of human fate] / Handel Handel's songs selected from his oratorios for the harpsichord, voice, hoboy or german flute ... Fa parte di: Handel's songs selected from his oratorios for the harpsichord, voice, hoboy or german flute ... Spoglio - Musica a stampa [LIG0391903] 23. Händel, Georg Friedrich [To thee, to thee thou glorious son of worth] / Handel Handel's songs selected from his oratorios for the harpsichord, voice, hoboy or german flute ... Fa parte di: Handel's songs selected from his oratorios for the harpsichord, voice, hoboy or german flute ... Spoglio - Musica a stampa [LIG0413905] 24. Händel, Georg Friedrich [Like the shadow] / Handel Handel's songs selected from his oratorios for the harpsichord, voice, hoboy or german flute ... Fa parte di: Handel's songs selected from his oratorios for the harpsichord, voice, hoboy or german flute ... Spoglio - Musica a stampa [LIG0413919] 25. Händel, Georg Friedrich [Sharp thorns despising] / Handel Handel's songs selected from his oratorios for the harpsichord, voice, hoboy or german flute ... Fa parte di: Handel's songs selected from his oratorios for the harpsichord, voice, hoboy or german flute ... Spoglio - Musica a stampa [LIG0413931] 26. Händel, Georg Friedrich [Pleasure's gentle Zephyrs] / Handel Handel's songs selected from his oratorios for the harpsichord, voice, hoboy or german flute ... Fa parte di: Handel's songs selected from his oratorios for the harpsichord, voice, hoboy or german flute ... Spoglio - Musica a stampa [LIG0455342] 27. Händel, Georg Friedrich [No more complaining] / Handel Handel's songs selected from his oratorios for the harpsichord, voice, hoboy or german flute ... Fa parte di: Handel's songs selected from his oratorios for the harpsichord, voice, hoboy or german flute ... Spoglio - Musica a stampa [LIG0455349] 28. Händel, Georg Friedrich [Enjoy the sweet Elysian grove] / Handel Handel's songs selected from his oratorios for the harpsichord, voice, hoboy or german flute ... Fa parte di: Handel's songs selected from his oratorios for the harpsichord, voice, hoboy or german flute ... Spoglio - Musica a stampa [LIG0467886] 29. Händel, Georg Friedrich [The parent bird in search of food] / Handel Handel's songs selected from his oratorios for the harpsichord, voice, hoboy or german flute ... Fa parte di: Handel's songs selected from his oratorios for the harpsichord, voice, hoboy or german flute ... Spoglio - Musica a stampa [LIG0467512] 30. Händel, Georg Friedrich [This manly youth's exalted mind] / Handel Handel's songs selected from his oratorios for the harpsichord, voice, hoboy or german flute ... Fa parte di: Handel's songs selected from his oratorios for the harpsichord, voice, hoboy or german flute ... Spoglio - Musica a stampa [LIG0413798] 31. Händel, Georg Friedrich [Pleasure, my former ways] / Handel Handel's songs selected from his oratorios for the harpsichord, voice, hoboy or german flute ... Fa parte di: Handel's songs selected from his oratorios for the harpsichord, voice, hoboy or german flute ... Spoglio - Musica a stampa [LIG0413910] 32. Händel, Georg Friedrich [Faithfull mirror fair reflecting] / Handel Handel's songs selected from his oratorios for the harpsichord, voice, hoboy or german flute ... Fa parte di: Handel's songs selected from his oratorios for the harpsichord, voice, hoboy or german flute ... Spoglio - Musica a stampa [LIG0413911] 33. Händel, Georg Friedrich [Ingratitudes the queen of crimes] / Handel Handel's songs selected from his oratorios for the harpsichord, voice, hoboy or german flute ... Fa parte di: Handel's songs selected from his oratorios for the harpsichord, voice, hoboy or german flute ... Spoglio - Musica a stampa [LIG0427854] 34. Händel, Georg Friedrich [Go assert thy heav'nly race] / Handel Handel's songs selected from his oratorios for the harpsichord, voice, hoboy or german flute ... Fa parte di: Handel's songs selected from his oratorios for the harpsichord, voice, hoboy or german flute ... Spoglio - Musica a stampa [LIG0467884] 35. Händel, Georg Friedrich [There the brisk sparkling nectar drain] / Handel Handel's songs selected from his oratorios for the harpsichord, voice, hoboy or german flute ... Fa parte di: Handel's songs selected from his oratorios for the harpsichord, voice, hoboy or german flute ... Spoglio - Musica a stampa [LIG0413796] 36. Händel, Georg Friedrich [Pensive sorrow deep possessing] / Handel Handel's songs selected from his oratorios for the harpsichord, voice, hoboy or german flute ... Fa parte di: Handel's songs selected from his oratorios for the harpsichord, voice, hoboy or german flute ... Spoglio - Musica a stampa [LIG0413913] 37. Händel, Georg Friedrich [Like clouds stormy winds] / Handel Handel's songs selected from his oratorios for the harpsichord, voice, hoboy or german flute ... Fa parte di: Handel's songs selected from his oratorios for the harpsichord, voice, hoboy or german flute ... Spoglio - Musica a stampa [LIG0413933] 38. Händel, Georg Friedrich [Sorrow darkens ev'ry feature] / Handel Handel's songs selected from his oratorios for the harpsichord, voice, hoboy or german flute ... Fa parte di: Handel's songs selected from his oratorios for the harpsichord, voice, hoboy or german flute ... Spoglio - Musica a stampa [LIG0455344] 39. Händel, Georg Friedrich [The Lord is a man of war] / Handel Handel's songs selected from his oratorios for the harpsichord, voice, hoboy or german flute ... Fa parte di: Handel's songs selected from his oratorios for the harpsichord, voice, hoboy or german flute ... Spoglio - Musica a stampa [LIG0467897] 40. Händel, Georg Friedrich [Can I hear that dulcet lay] / Handel Handel's songs selected from his oratorios for the harpsichord, voice, hoboy or german flute ... Fa parte di: Handel's songs selected from his oratorios for the harpsichord, voice, hoboy or german flute ... Spoglio - Musica a stampa [LIG0413800] 41. Händel, Georg Friedrich [Lovely beauty close those eyes] / Handel Handel's songs selected from his oratorios for the harpsichord, voice, hoboy or german flute ... Fa parte di: Handel's songs selected from his oratorios for the harpsichord, voice, hoboy or german flute ... Spoglio - Musica a stampa [LIG0413925] 42. Händel, Georg Friedrich [Fain would I two hearts] / Handel Handel's songs selected from his oratorios for the harpsichord, voice, hoboy or german flute ... Fa parte di: Handel's songs selected from his oratorios for the harpsichord, voice, hoboy or german flute ... Spoglio - Musica a stampa [LIG0413927] 43. Händel, Georg Friedrich [Thus to ground thou false] / Handel Handel's songs selected from his oratorios for the harpsichord, voice, hoboy or german flute ... Fa parte di: Handel's songs selected from his oratorios for the harpsichord, voice, hoboy or german flute ... Spoglio - Musica a stampa [LIG0413935] 44. Händel, Georg Friedrich [Guardian angels, o protect me] / Handel Handel's songs selected from his oratorios for the harpsichord, voice, hoboy or german flute ... Fa parte di: Handel's songs selected from his oratorios for the harpsichord, voice, hoboy or german flute ... Spoglio - Musica a stampa [LIG0413937] 45. Händel, Georg Friedrich [Heart the seat of soft delight] / Handel Handel's songs selected from his oratorios for the harpsichord, voice, hoboy or german flute ... Fa parte di: Handel's songs selected from his oratorios for the harpsichord, voice, hoboy or german flute ... Spoglio - Musica a stampa [LIG0392278] 46. Händel, Georg Friedrich [Mortals think that time is sleeping] / Handel Handel's songs selected from his oratorios for the harpsichord, voice, hoboy or german flute ... Fa parte di: Handel's songs selected from his oratorios for the harpsichord, voice, hoboy or german flute ... Spoglio - Musica a stampa [LIG0413923] 47. Händel, Georg Friedrich [Charming beauty, stop the starting tear] / Handel Handel's songs selected from his oratorios for the harpsichord, voice, hoboy or german flute ... Fa parte di: Handel's songs selected from his oratorios for the harpsichord, voice, hoboy or german flute ... Spoglio - Musica a stampa [LIG0455335] 48. Händel, Georg Friedrich [Loath some urns disclose your treasure] / Handel Handel's songs selected from his oratorios for the harpsichord, voice, hoboy or german flute ... Fa parte di: Handel's songs selected from his oratorios for the harpsichord, voice, hoboy or german flute ... Spoglio - Musica a stampa [LIG0467870] 49. Händel, Georg Friedrich [The peasant tastes the sweets] / Handel Handel's songs selected from his oratorios for the harpsichord, voice, hoboy or german flute ... Fa parte di: Handel's songs selected from his oratorios for the harpsichord, voice, hoboy or german flute ... Spoglio - Musica a stampa [LIG0391922] 50. Händel, Georg Friedrich [The beauty smiling and sweet beguiling] / Handel Handel's songs selected from his oratorios for the harpsichord, voice, hoboy or german flute ... Fa parte di: Handel's songs selected from his oratorios for the harpsichord, voice, hoboy or german flute ... Spoglio - Musica a stampa [LIG0413915] 51. Händel, Georg Friedrich [On the valley's dark and chearless] / Handel Handel's songs selected from his oratorios for the harpsichord, voice, hoboy or german flute ... Fa parte di: Handel's songs selected from his oratorios for the harpsichord, voice, hoboy or german flute ... Spoglio - Musica a stampa [LIG0413929] 52. Händel, Georg Friedrich [Come, o time, and thy broad wings] / Handel Handel's songs selected from his oratorios for the harpsichord, voice, hoboy or german flute ... Fa parte di: Handel's songs selected from his oratorios for the harpsichord, voice, hoboy or german flute ... Spoglio - Musica a stampa [LIG0413921] 53. Händel, Georg Friedrich [Mirth admit me of thy crew] / Handel Handel's songs selected from his oratorios for the harpsichord, voice, hoboy or german flute ... Fa parte di: Handel's songs selected from his oratorios for the harpsichord, voice, hoboy or german flute ... Spoglio - Musica a stampa [LIG0467889] 54. Händel, Georg Friedrich [Mirth admit me] / Handel Handel's songs selected from his oratorios for the harpsichord, voice, hoboy or german flute ... Fa parte di: Handel's songs selected from his oratorios for the harpsichord, voice, hoboy or german flute ... Spoglio - Musica a stampa [LIG0391932] 55. Händel, Georg Friedrich [Oft on a plat of rising ground] / Handel Handel's songs selected from his oratorios for the harpsichord, voice, hoboy or german flute ... Fa parte di: Handel's songs selected from his oratorios for the harpsichord, voice, hoboy or german flute ... Spoglio - Musica a stampa [LIG0392430]