Risultati sintetici Catalogo delle Biblioteche Liguri Ricerca: Nomi = Peel John Risultati: 1-12 di (12) 1. Peel, John Una fantastica caccia al ladro / John Peel Novara : Istituto geografico De Agostini, [2001] Monografia - Testo a stampa [TSA0299119] 2. Peel, John Ali nella notte / John Peel Trieste : E. Elle, \1996! Monografia - Testo a stampa [RAV0270187] 3. Ali nella notte / John Peel Trieste : Edizioni E/L, stampa 1996 Monografia - Testo a stampa [SBFL0000012969] 4. Kay'ith / John Peel Trieste : Edizioni E/L, stampa 1997 Monografia - Testo a stampa [SBFL0000012970] 5. Peel, John Ali nella notte / John Peel Trieste : Edizioni E.Elle, 1996 Monografia - Testo a stampa [1AVB00014917] 6. Peel, John Kay'Ith / John Peel Trieste : Edizioni EL, 1997 Monografia - Testo a stampa [1AVB00014916] 7. Peel, John David Yeadon <antropologo> Historicity and pluralism in some recent studies of Yoruba religion / J.D.Y. Peel Africa : journal of the International institute of African languages and cultures Fa parte di: Africa : journal of the International institute of African languages and cultures Spoglio - Testo a stampa [LIG0120146] 8. Peel, John David Yeadon <antropologo> The politicisation of religion in Nigeria : three studies / J.D.Y. Peel. - Africa : journal of the International institute of African languages and cultures Fa parte di: Africa : journal of the International institute of African languages and cultures Spoglio - Testo a stampa [LIG0120345] 9. Peel, John David Yeadon <antropologo> Gender in Yoruba religious change / by J.D.Y. Peel Journal of religion in Africa Fa parte di: Journal of religion in Africa Spoglio - Testo a stampa [LIG0122505] 10. Peel, John David Yeadon <antropologo> Christianity, Islam, and Oriṣa religion : three traditions in comparison and interaction / J.D.Y. Peel Oakland : University of California Press, 2016 Monografia - Testo a stampa [LIG0245907] 11. Peel, John David Yeadon <antropologo> Similarity and difference, context and tradition, in contemporary religious movements in West Africa / J.D.Y. Peel. - Africa : journal of the International institute of African languages and cultures Fa parte di: Africa : journal of the International institute of African languages and cultures Spoglio - Testo a stampa [LIG0273171] 12. Peel, John David Yeadon <antropologo> Un siècle d'interactions entre islam et christianisme dans l'espace yoruba / J.D.Y. Peel Politique africaine Fa parte di: Politique africaine Spoglio - Testo a stampa [LIG0127311]